Communities focusing on assisted living In Walnut Creek, CA are places for senior citizens to live in when they need more care than they could get living independently. Assisted living is an excellent option for many senior citizens who wish to continue living life to its fullest extent while also in a residential setting with care and safety. Many people believe that once they grow older, they have done everything in life that they needed or wanted to do and that there is nothing left to do, but that is not the case. While old age welcomes common health conditions, that should not stop anyone from setting big goals for themselves and accomplishing great things.

Age is Just a Number

Countless senior citizens challenged the dull concept that accomplishing tremendous things was only something young people could do. In reality, age truly is just a number. Numerous senior citizens are well-known for completing great things after the age of 50. Surprisingly enough, many of those accomplishments could not be done by people who were half that age! Individuals believe that a “mid-life crisis brought on these accomplishments,” but that is not true. Age did not stop these fascinating individuals from living life to its greatest extent. 

Some may argue that senior citizens residing in retirement communities cannot accomplish as much as someone living in their own home, but that is not the case. Residents in assisted living communities can also achieve any goal or dream that they have. Care teams are there to help the individual in doing anything that they set their mind to! 

Inspired Seniors

Many senior citizens have achieved terrific things past the age of 50. Whether it be climbing a mountain, inventing something new, or running a marathon, many senior citizens have been nothing short of elderly! Do not count senior citizens out just yet, because many of them are just getting started. 

Take Diana Nyad, for example. Diana completed the 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida at the young age of 64 years. She was the very first person to complete the 53-hour swim without the use of a shark cage for protection. Diana had attempted this challenging swim a few times, the first ending in 28 hours due to an asthma attack. She did not let this stop her, though! She tried a total of 5 times until she successfully completed the shark-infested swim on September 2, 2013.

Of course, Diana Nyad is not the only senior citizen ready to face a challenge. John Glenn was the first person ever to orbit the Earth, and he decided to do so again at the age of 77. He then became the oldest person to orbit the Earth! He took a ride on the space shuttle, Discovery, and over the course of 9 days, the shuttle had orbited the Earth a grand total of 134 times. John Glenn decided to have some fun with his Earth orbit as well. He participated in many experiments, testing how his body would react to the weightless environment in space. 

Senior Living

Many seniors do grow to an age where they need or prefer to live in a retirement community. These communities are exceptional choices for senior citizens who would like to continue to live extraordinary lives and also have the care they need. Fortunately, that is where senior communities come in. Retirement and assisted living communities like Tiffany Court have many things to offer, such as restaurant-style meals, beauty salons, pet therapy, and even nearby shops. They also provide respite care, which is an excellent option for primary caregivers. It gives primary caregivers a small break in order to provide the best care that senior citizens deserve. 

When it comes to achieving greatness, age truly is just a number. An individual’s age does not have to define who they are or what they can do. Anyone of any age can do whatever they set their mind to, and that goes to show when learning about people like Diana Nyad, John Glenn, and many others who did not let their age stop them.

Growing older does not mean that living and dreaming have to stop. Age is the last thing on a person’s mind when they are focused and having fun breaking world records or personal records. All that matters is determination and faith within. Contact our care team today for more information on living life the way it should be lived- with fun and with determination.